
Website Creation


Website Creation

Your websites are automatically created to look good on all devices.

To check your website responsiveness:

Select different size screens just above your website content;
Select preview.
Select different size screens to see how it looks.

Adding Menu:
Drag and drop Menu from main toolbar;
Choose Menu composition;
Click "New Menu Item":
Select type of menu item (e.g., "Page");
Enter "Name";
Select from dropdown list "Copy layout from" (e.g., Home);
(Optional) Select section that needs to be clear;
Click "Apply".

Customising Menu:
Select type of menu item:
Page on your website
Select page from dropdown list.
Web Address
Enter URL.
File from your Website
Click and select file from gallery or "Upload New File".
E-mail address
Enter e-mail address.
Phone Number
Enter phone number together with country code.
Select popup page from dropdown list or click to create "New Popup".
Leave the menu item empty.

Drag your created element to required location or on top of a menu element to create a submenu.

Add Icon:
Select icon that will be displayed next to the menu item. You can select left/right alignment to change icon placement.

Additional options:
Select to open in new window, a "nofollow" link, or open as popup.

Important to note:

By default, if menu is placed in "Header" or "Footer" section of the website, it will be shown on all pages.
If menu is in "Body" section of the website, select "Visibility" and select how to show your menu.
Once a menu item is added, a new page is automatically created.
To remove a menu item, click on green X button on left side of the menu panel. By default, removing a menu item does not remove linked page (unless appropriate setting is selected).

You can add animations on all elements on your website:

Click on element in builder that will have animations;
Select "Animation" section in right toolbar;
Select "Effect" type (e.g., Fade in, Bounce in, Zoom in) and edit its properties if needed:
Set effect on "Default" or/and on "Hover".

Adding new page:
Select "Settings" at top of website builder and select "Pages";
Select "New Page";
Select page type;
Write page "Name";
Select from dropdown menu which page layout to copy;
(Optional) Select section that needs to be clear;
Click "Apply".

Customising new page:
Make page as home page, do not index or show popup when page is opened (you will also need to indicate height and width values in pixels or percentages to adjust popup size);
Add SEO to your page:
Title, description, etc.;
Add page background;
Add custom script.

Adding layout:
Drag and drop layout from main toolbar;
Choose layout composition;
Add elements to your layout;
If you have more than one layout, you can add elements to each layout.

Customising layout:

Change elements position in layout. Choose from "Horizontal Layout", "Vertical Layout" or "Floating Block" in right toolbar.

Align elements in layout by selecting alignment for that layout in right toolbar.

Select layout and click background icon in right toolbar;
Choose your background layout colour and opacity;
Or upload image/video:

Select position, choose what position picture will start from;
Select repeat options. Horizontally or vertically to have image/video repeat for horizontal/vertical position;
Select "Don't scroll background" to have background at the same position;
Select "Offset" to add move image/video from the starting point;
Select "Auto" to have auto resized picture and select if the picture will be stretched to fit to layout or fit as it is;
Select opacity, position, etc.

Add duplicate layouts by clicking on icon on layout you want to duplicate and choose "Duplicate".

Select layout and click border icon in right toolbar to add borders to layout and choose your width, style and colour.

Adjust layout size or "Allow to adjust size automatically" in right toolbar.

Adding text:
Drag and drop "Text" from main toolbar;
Choose text composition;
Write your text.
Editing text:
Select text and click "Edit Text" on context toolbar;
Highlight text area you want to edit;
Choose from options in rich text editor.
Customizing text:
Highlight area where you want link to appear, in rich text editor click icon and fill in link properties.

Adding anchor:
Highlight area where you want anchor to appear, in rich text editor click icon and fill in anchor name.

Make sure to always save before closing the builder tab or your changes will be lost! If you don't wish to publish your changes you can hover over the publish button and select "SAVE DRAFT" instead to save your work in the builder without making it live.
